12 volt 22 Amp mechanical voltage regulator
OE: Lucas 37066 , 37132M, 371388, 37139, 37139E, 37182K, 37182L, 37183, 37183M, 37283, 37290, 37290d, 37290e, 37290f, 37294, 37384, NCB101 .
Aftermarket: HC130052, VRG352
Austin, Austin Healey, Austin Morris , Ford, Morris, Mini, MG ,Jaguar , Landrover Series 1,
Fordson Major, Fordson Power Major, Fordson Diesel Major, Fordson Super Major, Fordson Dexta,
JCB 3C with Fordson engine.
1. Remove battery leads from control box terminals A and A1.
2. Connect voltmeter between terminal D and Earth
3. Run generator at charging speed. Check that voltage is within appropriate limits (at 68 degrees F)
Set speed 3000rpm.
Voltage Setting 16.0 - 16.6 volts.
If voltage settings are outside the appropriate limits ;
Remove control box cover
Adjust voltage regulator setting by turn adjustment of screw at back of regulator.
Connect ammeter between disconnected leads and control box terminal A
Connect voltmeter between D and Earth
Switch on driving lamps
Start engine. Increase speed gradually.
Cutout points close and voltmeter reading drops slightly.
Cutting in should occur within the limits : 12.7 to 13.3 volts.
To set: Turn adjusting screw at back of cutout.
Increase engine speed and observe ammeter reading. Generator should increase output with speed. (Actual reading depends on battery charge and electrical load.)
Gradually reduce engine speed.
Ammeter reading should fall until it indicates a discharge.
Discharge or reverse current should be 3-5A.
Ammeter needle should return to zero when cutout points open.
Connect voltmeter between generator D terminal and Battery supply terminal.
(-ve terminal for positive earth system)
(+ve terminal for negative earth system)
Increase engine speed and observe ammeter reading.
When 10A (approx) is indicated, the voltmeter reading should not exceed 10% of the battery voltage.
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