24N trailer and vehicle lighting wiring installation
24N HGV truck and trailer commercial vehicle obligatory lighting systems installation wiring and repair Autoelectrics Mobile Service Shrewsbury Shropshire.
24N trailer electrics use a 7 pin plug / socket configuration
24N ISO 1185 HGV Trailer Wiring Colour codes
Pin 1 : (31) White : Earth or Negative Return
Pin 2: (58L) Black : Nearside side marker, Nearside Tail lights, Nearside Number plate lamp
Pin 3: (L) Yellow: Lefthand or Nearside Indicator flasher lamp
Pin 4: (54) Red: Stop Brake lamps
Pin 5: (R) Green: Righthand or Offside Indicator flasher lamp
Pin 6: (58R) Brown: Offside sidemarker lamps, Offside Tail lights, Offside No. plate lamp
Pin 7: (54g) Blue: Brake control signal for trailer.